2022 Grain NSW AGM and Industry Gathering
After a couple of years of virtual meetings, it was great to come together again for the 2022 Grain NSW AGM and Industry Gathering on Friday 28th October.
Sincere thanks to outgoing Association President Andrew Cogswell of Lachlan Commodities who after a 5year tenure handed over the reigns to incoming President Adam Robinson of Robinson Grain Trade. Congratulations to both gentlemen!
With members and industry associates keen to meet in person once again, the event attracted a record number, with 150 in attendance at Café Del Mar, Darling Harbour Sydney.

Wes Larnach of Grainforce, accepting Posthumous Grain NSW Life Membership to Derek Larnach

Greg Carroll of Croker Grain, accepting Grain NSW Life Membership

Grain NSW Immediate Past President Andrew Cogswell of Lachlan Commodities welcoming attendees to the Grain NSW 2022 Industry Gathering.

Campbell Mason of NSW Ports and Gold Sponsor of the event addressing attendees

Grain NSW Association Incoming President Adam Robinson of Robinson Grain Trade addressing attendees
Attendees enjoying this year’s grain industry gathering
Special mention to event sponsors:
Gold Sponsor NSW Ports
Silver Sponsor Port of Melbourne Corporation
Lanyard Sponsor IKON Commodities.